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Screen support accessories refer to the items that are used to support a screen. This can include items such as brackets, mounts, and stands. Screen support accessories are used in both residential and commercial settings. Screen support accessories are important because they help to ensure that your screen is properly supported. This helps to prevent the screen from toppling over and breaking. It also helps to keep the screen at a comfortable viewing angle. There are a variety of different screen support accessories available on the market. The type of accessory you choose will depend on the type of screen you have and the setting in which it will be used. Brackets are one of the most common types of screen support accessories. They are typically made from metal or plastic and can be attached to the wall or ceiling. Brackets are a good option for heavier screens, such as plasma TVs. Mounts are another popular option for supporting screens. They come in a variety of styles, including tabletop, floor, and wall mounts. Mounts are typically made from metal or plastic and can be adjustable to accommodate different screen sizes. Stands are a good option for lighter screens, such as LCD TVs. They are typically made from metal or plastic and have a base that can be placed on a table, shelf, or the floor. Stands typically have adjustable heights to allow for comfortable viewing. Screen support accessories are available from a variety of retailers, both online and in-store. When choosing a screen support accessory, it is important to consider the weight of your screen and the type of setting in which it will be used.